It’s been nearly a year since I started blogging so today, I wanted to talk a bit about the wellness principles I apply in my business Gift Therapy, and the Wellness Economy. The wellness economy includes businesses that help people adopt healthy habits and lifestyles into their daily lives. I created Gift Therapy to help bring wellness into people’s lives through gifts.
The Wellness Economy has grown significantly over the past few years. From 2017 to 2019, Asia-Pacific (which includes Australia) was one of the fastest-growing wellness markets (at 8.1 percent per year), and it shrank the least during the pandemic (-6.4 percent from 2019-2020). According to estimates from the Global Wellness Institute, the global wellness economy rose by 6.6 percent per year from $4.3 trillion in 2017 to $4.9 trillion in 2019, a rate much faster than world economic growth (4.0 percent). The wellness economy shrank by 11.0 percent in 2020, to $4.4 trillion (while global GDP declined by 2.8 percent).
The wellness economy is a seriously growing industry and continued to grow in Australia. The Global Wellness Institute published a report highlighting where consumers were spending in 2020. A Bubble Chart of the Global Wellness Economy is shown below.
I opened Gift Therapy in November 2020, (a month before the pandemic reached Australian shores). I wanted to encourage time-out, relaxation, and self-care in today’s busy world and help people with relieving the stresses of life by implementing activities focused on wellness. My Brand encompasses six wellness principles, which “ESPIES” (meaning to glimpse or catch sight of) how people can enjoy life and adopt a healthier lifestyle” through:
Emotional Wellness
Social Wellness
Physical Wellness
Intellectual Wellness
Environmental Wellness, and
Spiritual Wellness
It's helped me focus on how I want to help people. So let's get down to what this all means.
Emotional Wellbeing
Emotional wellbeing is one of the aspects that is sometimes overlooked. Most people confuse it with mental health issues. So, to clear the air, let's try to gain a better understanding of emotional wellbeing by highlighting a couple of emotional wellness activities.
Let's begin with practicing gratitude. An activity strongly and persistently connected with greater happiness in positive psychology research. It aids people in experiencing more positive emotions, appreciating wonderful experiences, improving their health, dealing with hardship, and developing great connections.
Another idea is adult colouring books. Adult colouring books have swamped shelves all over the world. These books, with their empty patterns of mandalas, animals, and floral motifs, help you connect with your inner artist, de-stress, and relax. Colouring, for example, diverts your focus away from yourself (and the things worrying you!) and keeps your mind on the current event. It calms the mind. Your brain relaxes when your thoughts are focused on this simple action. Your judgments and opinions don't bother you. The stresses of life fade from your consciousness, and your body and brain may find this pleasurable." It's enjoyable since the stakes are low.
Emotional wellbeing refers to the ability to cope with life's stressors and to adjust to change and adversity. Consumers spent $131 billion on Mental Wellness in 2020.
Social Wellness
The term "social wellbeing" refers to our interpersonal interactions and how we interact with others. During stressful times, our relationships can provide assistance. Building healthy, caring, and supporting relationships as well as cultivating a true connection with those around you are all part of social wellness. At Gift Therapy we encourage, movie-nights in, picnics in the park, luxury grazing events, couple’s experiences, and wellness retreats to encourage social wellness.
Physical Wellness
Physical wellbeing entails more than just the absence of sickness. It comprises decisions about how to live a healthy lifestyle, avoid diseases and ailments, and maintain a balanced body, mind, and soul. Physical wellness entails paying attention to and caring for your body in order to achieve optimal health and performance. Taking care of your physical body will assist you in dealing with the stresses of life. In 2020, consumers spent $738 billion on their physical wellness. We encourage yoga, hikes or just getting out into nature with healthier food options and pamper hampers to balance the mind, body, and soul.
Intellectual Wellness
A person's ability to engage in mentally stimulating activities in order to enhance their knowledge is referred to as intellectual wellbeing. It has nothing to do with a person's IQ score and has nothing to do with what they study in school. It encompasses a person's entire body of information, including their book smarts, street smarts, social skills, personal interests and hobbies, community involvement, cultural knowledge, and what we’re taught at home. All of this contributes to an individual's mental health.
Almost every wellness activity is proactive rather than reactive. Rather than addressing an issue when it emerges, the concept of wellness encourages you to seek to better yourself on a continuous basis. It's not about achieving your ideals of perfection or meeting an impossibly high standard. Rather, it's about looking after your entire self and constantly pushing yourself to reach your full potential.
Environmental Wellness
Environmental wellness is a process that entails understanding and contributing to the planet's health. By adopting a sustainable lifestyle, safeguarding natural resources, and reducing pollution and waste. Having respect for and understanding of your surroundings, as well as playing an active role in your community, are all aspects of environmental wellbeing. Environmental wellbeing includes not only our interactions with the world and nature but also our interactions with our immediate surroundings. Being environmentally conscious improves your personal health while also ensuring the health of our communities and the world as a whole.
Spiritual Wellness
Spiritual wellbeing is sometimes misinterpreted. It refers to the human yearning for meaning, purpose, and connection to something higher than ourselves, not to any particular religious or spiritual practice or belief. This part of our wellbeing can be addressed by following a religious faith, having a strong emotional connection to nature, or having a strong interest in your career. It is a very diverse and often individualised element of health, but some would say that it is the most essential, providing context and meaning to all other aspects of ourselves and our lives.
Understanding and accepting your connection to the world and your role in it is the foundation of spiritual wellness. It's the assurance that your life has a higher purpose — one that extends beyond tangible "things" and temporary satisfaction. Spiritual wellbeing is defined as a desire to do better, live-in appreciation, and spread positivity throughout the globe. It can be obtained through religion, spiritual practice, or ideology.
I wanted to offer you a glimpse of (ESPIES) of these principles in gifts. My Wellness Hampers, Pamper Hampers, Healthy choice Food Hampers, gift baskets, and gift hampers have been curated with organic or eco-friendly products. We have sustainable gift hampers, natural and sustainable skincare, and my packaging is made from recycled materials. As you may have deduced, I’m passionate about Wellness and the Environment. It’s been a great first year as I follow my dream in a trillion-dollar industry.
So, What are you passionate about? Do you have a business idea that helps people as well as makes you money? If you do drop me a comment about your journey. I’d love to hear from you and possibly feature your story in my Health and Wellness Hub.